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Oregon Fake Id Charges

Oregon Fake Id Charges

Oregon Fake Id Charges

Oregon Fake ID Charges: What You Need to Know

When it comes to getting a fake ID, many people think that it’s a harmless act and that they’re not doing anything wrong. However, using a fake ID can lead to serious legal consequences, especially in the state of Oregon.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the laws surrounding fake IDs in Oregon and what you need to know if you’re facing charges.

What are Fake IDs?

Fake IDs are cards or documents that have been altered or forged to misrepresent the identity of the person holding them. They can include driver’s licenses, passports, and other types of identification that are commonly used for age verification.

Some common reasons why people obtain fake IDs include purchasing alcohol or cigarettes when underage, gaining access to bars and clubs, or to use for fraudulent purposes.

What are the Charges for Using a Fake ID in Oregon?

In Oregon, the use of a fake ID is considered a serious offense and can lead to significant fines, jail time, and other penalties. Specifically, Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 807.570 makes it a crime to use false or altered identification cards or a driver’s license for the purpose of committing a crime, obtaining goods or services or for any other unlawful purpose.

If you are caught using a fake ID in Oregon, you could face a Class A misdemeanor charge. This carries a penalty of:

– Up to one year in jail
– A maximum fine of $6,250
– Possible suspension of your driver’s license for up to one year

If you’re caught with multiple fake IDs, you could be facing additional charges and penalties. For instance, if you’re found in possession of three or more fake IDs in Oregon, you could be charged with felony identity theft.

This carries a penalty of:

– Up to five years in prison
– A maximum fine of $125,000
– Possible restitution to any victims of identity theft

What Happens if You’re Charged with a Fake ID in Oregon?

If you’re charged with using a fake ID in Oregon, it’s important to seek legal representation as soon as possible. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand your rights and options during this difficult time.

Your attorney will review the evidence against you and determine whether there are any grounds to challenge the charges. They may also be able to negotiate with the prosecution to have your charges reduced or dismissed.

In some cases, your attorney may recommend that you plead guilty or no contest to the charges. This can help you avoid more severe penalties and potentially negotiate a favorable plea bargain with the prosecution.

Ultimately, the outcome of your case will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific details of your case, your criminal record, and the quality of your legal representation. It’s important to take these factors into consideration when deciding how to proceed with your case.

How to Avoid Getting Caught with a Fake ID in Oregon?

The best way to avoid getting caught with a fake ID in Oregon is to not use one at all. It’s never worth risking your freedom and future on a fake ID that may not even work properly.

If you’re under 21 and want to purchase alcohol, it’s best to wait until you’re of legal drinking age. If you’re going to a bar or club, consider going to places that are more lenient with IDs or going with friends who are of legal age.

Additionally, if you believe that your ID may be questioned, it’s best to be prepared to provide additional identification or proof of age, such as a passport or birth certificate.


Using a fake ID in Oregon is a serious offense that can lead to significant legal consequences. If you’re facing charges related to fake IDs, it’s important to seek legal representation as soon as possible.

Remember, prevention is the best defense. Avoid using fake IDs and always be aware of the potential legal consequences of your actions.
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges
Oregon Fake Id Charges

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